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It's total war. Until 11.

I don't want to get too heavily involved in the Israel-Palestine issue here on Washed and Ready. I was, however, rather taken with the idea of the Israelis stopping the fighting in Gaza between 11 and 2, every other day.

There can't be many precedents for part-time war. The only thing that springs to mind is the famous football match between German and British troops on the frontline during the 1914-1918 conflict, but I'm not sure the kick-off was ever sanctioned by the top brass.

Other suggestions for half-hearted war: every second magazine filled with blanks; dress down Fridays, where troops don't wear their usual armour; duvet days for special forces. There's real potential here.


  1. Probably a result of the credit crunch. They'll the try dropping it to four days a week before they have to lay off some of the suicide bombers.


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